Thursday, September 6, 2018

Lecture 2 - Part 1 "PHP Continued" - Building Dynamic Websites CS75

Lecture 2 - Part 1 "PHP Continued" - Building Dynamic Websites  CS75
HarvardOpencourseWare. CS75 (Summer 2012)

Video: Lecture 2 "PHP Cont." - Building Dynamic Websites  (Youtube link to open in a new window 0m ~ 44m)

Video Run Time:

Course Web Site by

Course Sillabus (Opens in a PDF)

Lecture Slides for Lecture 2 (Opens in a PDF)

Lecture 2 Source Codes

Lecture 2 Source Codes in PDF

Course Assignment (Project)

Lecture 0: HTTP
Lecture 1: PHP
Lecture 3: MVC, XML
Lecture 4: SQL
Lecture 5: SQL, Continued
Lecture 6: JavaScript
Lecture 7: Ajax
Lecture 8: Security
Lecture 9: Scalability
Summary: This is the first lecture of the series. Building Dynamic Websites by Harvard OpenCourseWare with Great Instructor David J. Malan

Each assignment is expected to take 30 to 40 hours to complete.

     * froshims0.php
     * David J. Malan
     * Implements a registration form for Frosh IMs.
     * Submits to register0.php.

<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Frosh IMs</title>
    <div style="text-align: center">
      <h1>Register for Frosh IMs</h1>
      <form action="register0.php" method="post">
        <table style="border: 0; margin-left: auto; margin-right: auto; text-align: left">
            <td><input name="name" type="text"></td>
            <td><input name="captain" type="checkbox"></td>
              <input name="gender" type="radio" value="F"> F  
              <input name="gender" type="radio" value="M"> M
              <select name="dorm">
                <option value=""></option>
                <option value="Apley Court">Apley Court</option>
                <option value="Canaday">Canaday</option>
                <option value="Grays">Grays</option>
                <option value="Greenough">Greenough</option>
                <option value="Hollis">Hollis</option>
                <option value="Holworthy">Holworthy</option>
                <option value="Hurlbut">Hurlbut</option>
        <input type="submit" value="Register!">
     * register0.php
     * Computer Science 50
     * David J. Malan
     * Dumps contents of $_POST.


<!DOCTYPE html>

    <title>Frosh IMs</title>
      <? print_r($_POST); ?>


$_POST superglobal variable stores data in an array as follows;

Insert a test script to output the content of $_POST recursively.

<? print_r($_POST);?>

The following functions also output the content of the $_POST variable;

<? var_dump($_POST);?>

<? var_export($_POST);?>

Edit the configuration file, httpd.conf.

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

CS75 Lecture #7 Part-1 "AJAX" with jQuery - Building Dynamic Websites - Harvard OpenCourseWare

CS75  Lecture #7 Part-1 "AJAX" with jQuery - Building Dynamic Websites

Video Run Time: 2:01:01

Course Web Site by
Course Sillabus (Opens in a PDF)

Lecture Slides for Lecture 7 (Opens in a PDF)
Lecture 7 Source Codes
Lecture 7 Source Codes in PDF

Javascript to process HTTP XML DOM

Lecture 0: HTTP
Lecture 1: PHP
Lecture 2: PHP, Continued
Lecture 3: MVC, XML
Lecture 4: SQL
Lecture 5: SQL, Continued
Lecture 6: JavaScript
Lecture 8: Security
Lecture 9: Scalability



Gets stock quote from quote1.php via Ajax, displaying result with alert().

David J. Malan
Computer Science S-75
Harvard Summer School


<!DOCTYPE html>


        // an XMLHttpRequest
        var xhr = null;

         * void
         * quote()
         * Gets a quote.
        function quote()
            // instantiate XMLHttpRequest object
                xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
            catch (e)
                xhr = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");

            // handle old browsers
            if (xhr == null)
                alert("Ajax not supported by your browser!");

            // construct URL
            var url = "quote1.php?symbol=" + document.getElementById("symbol").value;

            // get quote
            xhr.onreadystatechange = handler;
  "GET", url, true);

         * void
         * handler()
         * Handles the Ajax response.
        function handler()
            // only handle loaded requests
            if (xhr.readyState == 4)
                if (xhr.status == 200)
                    alert("Error with Ajax call!");

    <form action="quote1.php" method="get" onsubmit="quote(); return false;">
      Symbol: <input id="symbol" name="symbol" type="text">
      <input type="submit" value="Get Quote">

For a modern browser, there is a thing called XMLHttpRequest (xhr).
It's an object which comes with many methods as follows;

An AJAX call goes through a sequence of states as;
0,1,2,3, and 4. The call sequence from 0 to 2 goes fast. Most people pay attention to only the state 4 (loaded).

An HTML tag <form> is used below.
However, we are not interested in actually submitting a <form>. 
Instead, we are making use of the HTTP background process that comes with submitting a <form>.
That's why the "RETURN" value is set to "false".

A variable is named "xhr", but it can be anything.
The variable "xhr" is initialized by setting it to be null.

Since Microsoft IE browser does not fully support the XMLHttpRequest method, a try/catch is setup to accommodate the IE users.

In javascript, document is a DOM object with getElementById() method to read the user input which is a stock symbol for a company name. A stock symbol is a short text string.

A variable called "url" is being constructed, which is really a php script with passing parameters with ?symbol=goog (user input).

MIT 6.00 コンピュータサイエンスとプログラミング秋期講座第2回

  MIT 6.00 コンピュータサイエンスとプログラミング秋期講座第2回 オープンコースウエア 大学名:MIT 講座名:6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Download course material ...