Artificial Intelligence Graduate Certificate
- Reasoning Methods in Artificial Intelligence
- CS221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
- Summer Session
CS157 - Computational Logic
- Reasoning Methods in Artificial Intelligence
- CS221: Artificial Intelligence: Principles and Techniques
- Summer Session
CS223A - Introduction to Robotics
AA228 Decision Making Under Uncertainty |
CS224U Natural Language Understanding
CS228 Probabilistic Graphical Models: Principles and Techniques |
CS229 Machine Learning
1 an overview of the course in this introductory meeting. 2 linear regression, gradient descent, and normal equations and discusses how they relate to machine learning. 3 locally weighted regression, probabilistic interpretation and logistic regression and how it relates to machine learning. 4 Newton's method, exponential families, and generalized linear models and how they relate to machine learning. 5 generative learning algorithms and Gaussian discriminative analysis and their applications in machine learning. 6 naive Bayes, neural networks, and support vector machine. 7 optimal margin classifiers, KKT conditions, and SUM duals. 8 support vector machines, including soft margin optimization and kernels. 9 learning theory, covering bias, variance, empirical risk minimization, union bound and Hoeffding's inequalities. 10 learning theory by discussing VC dimension and model selection. 11 Bayesian statistics, regularization, digression-online learning, and the applications of machine learning algorithms. 12 unsupervised learning in the context of clustering, Jensen's inequality, mixture of Gaussians, and expectation-maximization. 13 expectation-maximization in the context of the mixture of Gaussian and naive Bayes models, as well as factor analysis and digression. 14 factor analysis and expectation-maximization steps, and continues on to discuss principal component analysis (PCA). 15 principal component analysis (PCA) and independent component analysis (ICA) in relation to unsupervised machine learning. 16 reinforcement learning, focusing particularly on MDPs, value functions, and policy and value iteration. 17 reinforcement learning, focusing particularly on continuous state MDPs, discretization, and policy and value iterations. 18 state action rewards, linear dynamical systems in the context of linear quadratic regulation, models, and the Riccati equation, and finite horizon MDPs. 19 debugging process, linear quadratic regulation, Kalmer filters, and linear quadratic Gaussian in the context of reinforcement learning. 20 POMDPs, policy search, and Pegasus in the context of reinforcement learning. |
CS230 Deep Learning |
CS231A Computer Vision: From 3D Reconstruction
to Recognition
CS231N Convolutional Neural Networks for Visual
CS234 Reinforcement Learning
CS236 Deep Generative Models
CS330 Deep Multi-task and Meta Learning