オープンコースウエア 大学名:MIT
講座名:6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming
講義日:2008年10月9日(木曜日) ― 第6週・2回目
担当教授:Prof. Eric Grimson
ジャンル: マージソート(分割統治ソート)、ハッシュ関数、学習したアルゴリズムのまとめ、Python プログラムの例外処理 (Exception handling)
今回の講義の終わりの方でふれているPython プログラムの例外処理は(Exception handling)、とっても使える構文なのですが、グリムソン教授が講義で説明しているプログラム(例5としてこのページの下に掲載)、実行するとエラーが出ます。それで、例5のコード、少々手直ししてあります。
Lecture 10 Hand out 補助教材 ダウンロード
Lecture 10 ホームワーク Wordgames2 (前回のホームワークの発展形)ダウンロード
MIT 6.00 講座のプログラムも含んだ資料のダウンロード
例-1 マージソート
def merge(left,right):
"""Assumes left and right are sorted lists.
Returns a new sorted list containing the same elements
as (left + right) would contain."""
result = []
i,j = 0, 0
while i < len(left) and j < len(right):
if left[i] <= right[j]:
i = i + 1
j = j + 1
while (i < len(left)):
i = i + 1
while (j < len(right)):
j = j + 1
return result
def mergesort(L):
"""Returns a new sorted list with the same elements as L"""
print L
if len(L) < 2:
return L[:]
middle = len(L) / 2
left = mergesort(L[:middle])
right = mergesort(L[middle:])
together = merge(left,right)
print 'merged', together
return together
例-1 マージソートの実行結果 その1
>>> L = [54,32,41,12,4,11,84,902,3,54,61]
>>> print L
[54, 32, 41, 12, 4, 11, 84, 902, 3, 54, 61]
>>> mergesort(L)
[54, 32, 41, 12, 4, 11, 84, 902, 3, 54, 61]
[54, 32, 41, 12, 4]
[54, 32]
merged [32, 54]
[41, 12, 4]
[12, 4]
merged [4, 12]
merged [4, 12, 41]
merged [4, 12, 32, 41, 54]
[11, 84, 902, 3, 54, 61]
[11, 84, 902]
[84, 902]
merged [84, 902]
merged [11, 84, 902]
[3, 54, 61]
[54, 61]
merged [54, 61]
merged [3, 54, 61]
merged [3, 11, 54, 61, 84, 902]
merged [3, 4, 11, 12, 32, 41, 54, 54, 61, 84, 902]
[3, 4, 11, 12, 32, 41, 54, 54, 61, 84, 902]
例-1 マージソート実行結果 その2
>>> L = [0]
>>> print L
>>> L = [19, 260, 366, 117, 302, 660, 831, 420, 479, 313, 554, 661, 574, 124, 130, 715, 882, 937, 461, 828, 722, 91, 248, 90, 684, 982, 634, 641, 4, 804, 204, 713, 791, 722, 464, 242, 997, 308, 40, 983, 113, 397, 537, 230, 54, 293, 465, 127, 798, 853, 710, 246, 366, 506, 903, 626, 159, 687, 497, 792, 266, 193, 589, 169, 860, 383, 199, 98, 397, 282, 362, 603, 144, 27, 594, 821, 338, 44, 744, 901, 873, 657, 587, 146, 116, 409, 859, 399, 895, 330, 175, 806, 29, 808, 173, 191, 11, 993, 141, 827, 642, 954, 286, 536, 412, 462]
>>> mergesort(L)
[19, 260, 366, 117, 302, 660, 831, 420, 479, 313, 554, 661, 574, 124, 130, 715, 882, 937, 461, 828, 722, 91, 248, 90, 684, 982, 634, 641, 4, 804, 204, 713, 791, 722, 464, 242, 997, 308, 40, 983, 113, 397, 537, 230, 54, 293, 465, 127, 798, 853, 710, 246, 366, 506, 903, 626, 159, 687, 497, 792, 266, 193, 589, 169, 860, 383, 199, 98, 397, 282, 362, 603, 144, 27, 594, 821, 338, 44, 744, 901, 873, 657, 587, 146, 116, 409, 859, 399, 895, 330, 175, 806, 29, 808, 173, 191, 11, 993, 141, 827, 642, 954, 286, 536, 412, 462]
[19, 260, 366, 117, 302, 660, 831, 420, 479, 313, 554, 661, 574, 124, 130, 715, 882, 937, 461, 828, 722, 91, 248, 90, 684, 982, 634, 641, 4, 804, 204, 713, 791, 722, 464, 242, 997, 308, 40, 983, 113, 397, 537, 230, 54, 293, 465, 127, 798, 853, 710, 246, 366]
[19, 260, 366, 117, 302, 660, 831, 420, 479, 313, 554, 661, 574, 124, 130, 715, 882, 937, 461, 828, 722, 91, 248, 90, 684, 982]
[19, 260, 366, 117, 302, 660, 831, 420, 479, 313, 554, 661, 574]
[19, 260, 366, 117, 302, 660]
[19, 260, 366]
[260, 366]
merged [260, 366]
merged [19, 260, 366]
[117, 302, 660]
[302, 660]
merged [302, 660]
merged [117, 302, 660]
merged [19, 117, 260, 302, 366, 660]
[831, 420, 479, 313, 554, 661, 574]
[831, 420, 479]
[420, 479]
merged [420, 479]
merged [420, 479, 831]
[313, 554, 661, 574]
[313, 554]
merged [313, 554]
[661, 574]
merged [574, 661]
merged [313, 554, 574, 661]
merged [313, 420, 479, 554, 574, 661, 831]
merged [19, 117, 260, 302, 313, 366, 420, 479, 554, 574, 660, 661, 831]
[124, 130, 715, 882, 937, 461, 828, 722, 91, 248, 90, 684, 982]
[124, 130, 715, 882, 937, 461]
[124, 130, 715]
[130, 715]
merged [130, 715]
merged [124, 130, 715]
[882, 937, 461]
[937, 461]
merged [461, 937]
merged [461, 882, 937]
merged [124, 130, 461, 715, 882, 937]
[828, 722, 91, 248, 90, 684, 982]
[828, 722, 91]
[722, 91]
merged [91, 722]
merged [91, 722, 828]
[248, 90, 684, 982]
[248, 90]
merged [90, 248]
[684, 982]
merged [684, 982]
merged [90, 248, 684, 982]
merged [90, 91, 248, 684, 722, 828, 982]
merged [90, 91, 124, 130, 248, 461, 684, 715, 722, 828, 882, 937, 982]
merged [19, 90, 91, 117, 124, 130, 248, 260, 302, 313, 366, 420, 461, 479, 554, 574, 660, 661, 684, 715, 722, 828, 831, 882, 937, 982]
[634, 641, 4, 804, 204, 713, 791, 722, 464, 242, 997, 308, 40, 983, 113, 397, 537, 230, 54, 293, 465, 127, 798, 853, 710, 246, 366]
[634, 641, 4, 804, 204, 713, 791, 722, 464, 242, 997, 308, 40]
[634, 641, 4, 804, 204, 713]
[634, 641, 4]
[641, 4]
merged [4, 641]
merged [4, 634, 641]
[804, 204, 713]
[204, 713]
merged [204, 713]
merged [204, 713, 804]
merged [4, 204, 634, 641, 713, 804]
[791, 722, 464, 242, 997, 308, 40]
[791, 722, 464]
[722, 464]
merged [464, 722]
merged [464, 722, 791]
[242, 997, 308, 40]
[242, 997]
merged [242, 997]
[308, 40]
merged [40, 308]
merged [40, 242, 308, 997]
merged [40, 242, 308, 464, 722, 791, 997]
merged [4, 40, 204, 242, 308, 464, 634, 641, 713, 722, 791, 804, 997]
[983, 113, 397, 537, 230, 54, 293, 465, 127, 798, 853, 710, 246, 366]
[983, 113, 397, 537, 230, 54, 293]
[983, 113, 397]
[113, 397]
merged [113, 397]
merged [113, 397, 983]
[537, 230, 54, 293]
[537, 230]
merged [230, 537]
[54, 293]
merged [54, 293]
merged [54, 230, 293, 537]
merged [54, 113, 230, 293, 397, 537, 983]
[465, 127, 798, 853, 710, 246, 366]
[465, 127, 798]
[127, 798]
merged [127, 798]
merged [127, 465, 798]
[853, 710, 246, 366]
[853, 710]
merged [710, 853]
[246, 366]
merged [246, 366]
merged [246, 366, 710, 853]
merged [127, 246, 366, 465, 710, 798, 853]
merged [54, 113, 127, 230, 246, 293, 366, 397, 465, 537, 710, 798, 853, 983]
merged [4, 40, 54, 113, 127, 204, 230, 242, 246, 293, 308, 366, 397, 464, 465, 537, 634, 641, 710, 713, 722, 791, 798, 804, 853, 983, 997]
merged [4, 19, 40, 54, 90, 91, 113, 117, 124, 127, 130, 204, 230, 242, 246, 248, 260, 293, 302, 308, 313, 366, 366, 397, 420, 461, 464, 465, 479, 537, 554, 574, 634, 641, 660, 661, 684, 710, 713, 715, 722, 722, 791, 798, 804, 828, 831, 853, 882, 937, 982, 983, 997]
[506, 903, 626, 159, 687, 497, 792, 266, 193, 589, 169, 860, 383, 199, 98, 397, 282, 362, 603, 144, 27, 594, 821, 338, 44, 744, 901, 873, 657, 587, 146, 116, 409, 859, 399, 895, 330, 175, 806, 29, 808, 173, 191, 11, 993, 141, 827, 642, 954, 286, 536, 412, 462]
[506, 903, 626, 159, 687, 497, 792, 266, 193, 589, 169, 860, 383, 199, 98, 397, 282, 362, 603, 144, 27, 594, 821, 338, 44, 744]
[506, 903, 626, 159, 687, 497, 792, 266, 193, 589, 169, 860, 383]
[506, 903, 626, 159, 687, 497]
[506, 903, 626]
[903, 626]
merged [626, 903]
merged [506, 626, 903]
[159, 687, 497]
[687, 497]
merged [497, 687]
merged [159, 497, 687]
merged [159, 497, 506, 626, 687, 903]
[792, 266, 193, 589, 169, 860, 383]
[792, 266, 193]
[266, 193]
merged [193, 266]
merged [193, 266, 792]
[589, 169, 860, 383]
[589, 169]
merged [169, 589]
[860, 383]
merged [383, 860]
merged [169, 383, 589, 860]
merged [169, 193, 266, 383, 589, 792, 860]
merged [159, 169, 193, 266, 383, 497, 506, 589, 626, 687, 792, 860, 903]
[199, 98, 397, 282, 362, 603, 144, 27, 594, 821, 338, 44, 744]
[199, 98, 397, 282, 362, 603]
[199, 98, 397]
[98, 397]
merged [98, 397]
merged [98, 199, 397]
[282, 362, 603]
[362, 603]
merged [362, 603]
merged [282, 362, 603]
merged [98, 199, 282, 362, 397, 603]
[144, 27, 594, 821, 338, 44, 744]
[144, 27, 594]
[27, 594]
merged [27, 594]
merged [27, 144, 594]
[821, 338, 44, 744]
[821, 338]
merged [338, 821]
[44, 744]
merged [44, 744]
merged [44, 338, 744, 821]
merged [27, 44, 144, 338, 594, 744, 821]
merged [27, 44, 98, 144, 199, 282, 338, 362, 397, 594, 603, 744, 821]
merged [27, 44, 98, 144, 159, 169, 193, 199, 266, 282, 338, 362, 383, 397, 497, 506, 589, 594, 603, 626, 687, 744, 792, 821, 860, 903]
[901, 873, 657, 587, 146, 116, 409, 859, 399, 895, 330, 175, 806, 29, 808, 173, 191, 11, 993, 141, 827, 642, 954, 286, 536, 412, 462]
[901, 873, 657, 587, 146, 116, 409, 859, 399, 895, 330, 175, 806]
[901, 873, 657, 587, 146, 116]
[901, 873, 657]
[873, 657]
merged [657, 873]
merged [657, 873, 901]
[587, 146, 116]
[146, 116]
merged [116, 146]
merged [116, 146, 587]
merged [116, 146, 587, 657, 873, 901]
[409, 859, 399, 895, 330, 175, 806]
[409, 859, 399]
[859, 399]
merged [399, 859]
merged [399, 409, 859]
[895, 330, 175, 806]
[895, 330]
merged [330, 895]
[175, 806]
merged [175, 806]
merged [175, 330, 806, 895]
merged [175, 330, 399, 409, 806, 859, 895]
merged [116, 146, 175, 330, 399, 409, 587, 657, 806, 859, 873, 895, 901]
[29, 808, 173, 191, 11, 993, 141, 827, 642, 954, 286, 536, 412, 462]
[29, 808, 173, 191, 11, 993, 141]
[29, 808, 173]
[808, 173]
merged [173, 808]
merged [29, 173, 808]
[191, 11, 993, 141]
[191, 11]
merged [11, 191]
[993, 141]
merged [141, 993]
merged [11, 141, 191, 993]
merged [11, 29, 141, 173, 191, 808, 993]
[827, 642, 954, 286, 536, 412, 462]
[827, 642, 954]
[642, 954]
merged [642, 954]
merged [642, 827, 954]
[286, 536, 412, 462]
[286, 536]
merged [286, 536]
[412, 462]
merged [412, 462]
merged [286, 412, 462, 536]
merged [286, 412, 462, 536, 642, 827, 954]
merged [11, 29, 141, 173, 191, 286, 412, 462, 536, 642, 808, 827, 954, 993]
merged [11, 29, 116, 141, 146, 173, 175, 191, 286, 330, 399, 409, 412, 462, 536, 587, 642, 657, 806, 808, 827, 859, 873, 895, 901, 954, 993]
merged [11, 27, 29, 44, 98, 116, 141, 144, 146, 159, 169, 173, 175, 191, 193, 199, 266, 282, 286, 330, 338, 362, 383, 397, 399, 409, 412, 462, 497, 506, 536, 587, 589, 594, 603, 626, 642, 657, 687, 744, 792, 806, 808, 821, 827, 859, 860, 873, 895, 901, 903, 954, 993]
merged [4, 11, 19, 27, 29, 40, 44, 54, 90, 91, 98, 113, 116, 117, 124, 127, 130, 141, 144, 146, 159, 169, 173, 175, 191, 193, 199, 204, 230, 242, 246, 248, 260, 266, 282, 286, 293, 302, 308, 313, 330, 338, 362, 366, 366, 383, 397, 397, 399, 409, 412, 420, 461, 462, 464, 465, 479, 497, 506, 536, 537, 554, 574, 587, 589, 594, 603, 626, 634, 641, 642, 657, 660, 661, 684, 687, 710, 713, 715, 722, 722, 744, 791, 792, 798, 804, 806, 808, 821, 827, 828, 831, 853, 859, 860, 873, 882, 895, 901, 903, 937, 954, 982, 983, 993, 997]
[4, 11, 19, 27, 29, 40, 44, 54, 90, 91, 98, 113, 116, 117, 124, 127, 130, 141, 144, 146, 159, 169, 173, 175, 191, 193, 199, 204, 230, 242, 246, 248, 260, 266, 282, 286, 293, 302, 308, 313, 330, 338, 362, 366, 366, 383, 397, 397, 399, 409, 412, 420, 461, 462, 464, 465, 479, 497, 506, 536, 537, 554, 574, 587, 589, 594, 603, 626, 634, 641, 642, 657, 660, 661, 684, 687, 710, 713, 715, 722, 722, 744, 791, 792, 798, 804, 806, 808, 821, 827, 828, 831, 853, 859, 860, 873, 882, 895, 901, 903, 937, 954, 982, 983, 993, 997]
def create(smallest, largest):
intSet = []
for i in range(smallest, largest+1): intSet.append(None)
return intSet
def insert(intSet, e):
intSet[e] = 1
def member(intSet, e):
return intSet[e] == 1
例-3 ハッシュ関数
def hashChar(c):
# c is a char
# function returns a different integer in the range 0-255
# for each possible value of c
return ord(c)
def cSetCreate():
cSet = []
for i in range(0, 255): cSet.append(None)
return cSet
def cSetInsert(cSet, e):
cSet[hashChar(e)] = 1
def cSetMember(cSet, e):
return cSet[hashChar(e)] == 1
例-4 Python プログラム: 例外処理 (Exception handling)
def readFloat(requestMsg, errorMsg):
while True:
val = raw_input(requestMsg)
val = float(val)
return val
print readFloat('Enter float: ', 'Not a float.') ## def readFloat 関数の外
def readVal(valType, requestMsg, errorMsg):
while True:
val = raw_input(requestMsg)
val = valType(val)
return val
print readVal(int, 'Enter int: ', 'Not an int.') ## def readVal 関数の外
例-4 例外処理 プログラムの実行結果 (今回は、Python Shell上での実行ではなく、エディタから実行してPython Shell に出力しています。)
Python 2.6.6 (r266:84297, Aug 24 2010, 18:46:32) [MSC v.1500 32 bit (Intel)] on win32
Type "copyright", "credits" or "license()" for more information.
Personal firewall software may warn about the connection IDLE
makes to its subprocess using this computer's internal loopback
interface. This connection is not visible on any external
interface and no data is sent to or received from the Internet.
IDLE 2.6.6
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Enter float: 5.0
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Enter float: fgb
Not a float.
Enter float: fds
Not a float.
Enter float: 3
例-5 ファイルを読み込む例外処理プログラム (配布資料には載っていない、講義中に実行したプログラム。今回は、Python Shell上での実行ではなく、エディタから実行してPython Shell に出力しています。)
def getGrades(fname):
gradesFile = open(fname, 'r')
except IOError:
print 'Could not open', fname
grades = []
for line in gradesFile: grades.append(float(line))
return grades
filename = raw_input('Please enter a filename --> ')
print 'File Name is: ',filename
grades = getGrades(filename)
median = grades[len(grades)/2]
print 'Median grade is',median
except IOError:
print 'Whoops'
例-5 ファイルを読み込む例外処理プログラム 実行結果
>>> ================================ RESTART ================================
Please enter a filename --> etq.txt
File Name is: etq.txt
Could not open etq.txt
Python コードのHTML表示には、Dan CederholmのSimpleCodeを使用しています。
Python コードの入出力は、Python IDLE から行っています。
1. Selection sort: Wikipedia article on selection sort
2. Insertion sort: Wikipedia article on insertion sort
3. Merge sort: Wikipedia article on merge sort
2. Insertion sort: Wikipedia article on insertion sort
3. Merge sort: Wikipedia article on merge sort
1. Getting Started: Python and IDLE
2. Python Programming
3. The Python Tutorial
4. How to Think Like a Computer Scientist: Learning with Python
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