Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Adding a Public Key for SSH from Google Cloud console for BITNAMI APPS

 Adding a Public Key for SSH from Google Cloud console

Setup and Install WordPress on Google Cloud Platform (Bitnami)

 Setup and Install WordPress on Google Cloud Platform (Bitnami)

  1. Create a Google Cloud Platform account
  2. Create a new project or rename a default My New Project generated by Google Cloud
  3. Select Bitnami WordPress from the web application catalog
  4. Select Launch
  5. Login the WordPress instance

Generate SSH key for SSH Tunnel PHPMYAdmin running on Google Cloud



Generate SSH key from Putty

Install Putty (if not installed already)

Generate Key

Private Key SSH 

Save the SSH key file.

Open Google Cloud Platform Console

On Google Cloud > Compute Engine > VM Instance

Select Wordpress > Edit

Copy and paste the SSH key into a Google Cloud Platform instance

The user name associated with this SSH key has been detected and displayed.


Copy an External IP address

Save the Google Cloud Platform setting.

Open PuTTY App

Update the Host Name (IP)

Paste the external IP address copied from GCP instance

Now, set-up Authentication Key

Private key file for authentication has been specified to the file in the D drive.

Select Tunnels for SSH Tunnel set-up

Enter Source Port Number

Destination > localhost:443

Select Data to send to the server

Session: Load, save or delete a stored session

Forwarded ports

MIT 6.00 コンピュータサイエンスとプログラミング秋期講座第2回

  MIT 6.00 コンピュータサイエンスとプログラミング秋期講座第2回 オープンコースウエア 大学名:MIT 講座名:6.00 Introduction to Computer Science and Programming Download course material ...